Free Foundation Assessment

Schedule Your Free Assessment

Is your foundation at risk? Maybe. Until we’ve performed our in-person assessment, it’s impossible to say.

Schedule your free homeowners assessment, and we’ll find out if your foundation is in need of repair.

What to Expect from Our Assessment

How It Works

What’s Your Main Concern?

We want to know your main concern, so that’s where we begin the conversation. 

Take Measurements

We then take measurements both inside and outside to determine the severity of the foundation problem. 

Present Our Fidnings

We talk about next steps. Sometimes, the issue needs to be dealt with right away. Other times, it isn’t as urgent. Either way, you’ll know what you’re dealing with. 

What Makes Sejant So Different?

5 Things To Know

BEFORE Starting Your Project

Don’t put yourself at risk. In this guide, we’ll walk you through the laws and regulations you need to pay attention to, which will save you thousands of dollars over your project. Don’t start your project until you have a full understanding of what’s involved.
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