Small Cracks Big Problems

Summer is my favorite time of year — the warmth in the Seattle area is pleasant without being too abrasive. The water cools things down to the perfect temperature, great for nights out on the patio in shorts and a sweatshirt.  The other thing I love about summer is...

Rain and Your Foundation Aren’t Friends

A reality of living in the Pacific Northwest, is rain. Lots of rain. In 2020 – 2021, we had an especially rainy season, which led to foundation issues for people.  Why does rain lead to foundation issues?  The problem with your foundation isn’t the foundation...

Foundation Repair Red Flags

Learn To Identify Red Flags Your homes foundation is, for lack of a better term, foundational. Everything else in your home relies on a firm and solid foundation. What happens when that foundation isn’t stable? Things can go wrong. You should absolutly get your...

How Does Foundation Repair Work?

Introduction You’ve seen a crack or two in your foundation, and want to get it fixed so no more damage occours to your home — smart. But from start to finish, what does the process look like? How long does it take? What do you need to know before you begin?  1....

Can I Put Off Foundation Repair?

Can You Put Off Foundation Repair?   You’ve noticed there’s a crack in your foundation — your first thought is probably a four letter thought. After that, you’re wondering if you should fix the issue now, or put it off. Can you put it off? Should you?...

5 Things To Know

BEFORE Starting Your Project

Don’t put yourself at risk. In this guide, we’ll walk you through the laws and regulations you need to pay attention to, which will save you thousands of dollars over your project. Don’t start your project until you have a full understanding of what’s involved.
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